Sunday, January 6, 2008

Went. Saw. Conquered?

Well, I went to the bloggers mixers and I have to say my expectations were surpassed. I went there thinking I was going to be bored to death. Curiosity was really going to kill me this time. But instead, i met interesting BUSY people who just took the time to update their blog not the general perception people have of "computer geeks with wayyy to much time on their hands" (u know yourselves).
The people there were nice, interesting and very social and if the only blog I have read so far is anything to go by, they have a very real talent for writing.

I do have one concern. Is anybody EVER going to read my blog? I woulda thought people would been posting like the Oprah's website after her show on Nigerians but things are unusually slow. Im afraid my blog would be for "my eyes only".


Chakams said...

Well,i'm glad u came and SAW that bloggers are regular people ur to hear u had a good time on d day..keep up with ur bloggin..u seem to have some potential...truly

T.Williams-A said...

Welcome to Blogville!!! Trust me, you will come to love blogging... if you can find the time to update your blog that is...

And yah... we ARE normal people!